Seal of Biliteracy
Dear Seniors,
Springfield Public Schools has partnered with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary of Education to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate proficiency in English and their native language.
The seal of biliteracy will give students:
· Certification attainment in biliteracy skills
· Provide colleges/universities with a method to recognize and give credit to students with high levels of language proficiency
· Provide employers with a method of recognizing their fluency in both languages to prepare students with skills that will benefit them in the labor market and our global society.
Please let me know if you are interested in taking the exam to obtain the seal by completing the form on the link below:
you can also take a practice test here:
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Vianni Gomez, CAGS
High School Guidance 10th, 11th, & 12th
College & Career Readiness Instructor
Springfield Public Schools has partnered with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary of Education to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate proficiency in English and their native language.
The seal of biliteracy will give students:
· Certification attainment in biliteracy skills
· Provide colleges/universities with a method to recognize and give credit to students with high levels of language proficiency
· Provide employers with a method of recognizing their fluency in both languages to prepare students with skills that will benefit them in the labor market and our global society.
Please let me know if you are interested in taking the exam to obtain the seal by completing the form on the link below:
you can also take a practice test here:
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Vianni Gomez, CAGS
High School Guidance 10th, 11th, & 12th
College & Career Readiness Instructor
Excerpts Taken from the Springfield Public Schools “Parent and Student Handbook”
Excerpts Taken from the Springfield Public Schools “Parent and Student Handbook”
A student who has enrolled in a class is expected to be present each time the course is in session. A student in the Springfield Public School system cannot be absent more than 14 sessions in a full year course or he/she will receive no credit for the course pending appeal. After the 14th session of absence in a full year course, the student must file an appeal to receive credit. The grades will be reported on his/her report card as “No Credit” pending appeal (NC). All courses will show “NC” for the current report card. Any student who accumulates more than 14 absences during the academic year will be ineligible to move successfully from one grade to the next unless there are validated extenuating circumstances and a successful appeal. If the NC is not successfully appealed, the NC will revert to an FA (Failure due to Attendance).
Cell Phone Use
The Springfield Public School Committee has banned the use of personal cell phones, PCDs and other types of electronic devices during the academic school day. Students may possess and carry cell phones and PCDs; however, these units must be completely turned off (not simply on silent or vibrate mode) during the academic day.
The purpose is to ensure that disruptions and interference of the instructional academic climate of the school does not occur. Text messages and photo transmissions are covered by this policy.
Students who violate this policy shall face disciplinary action by the administration including confiscation of the cell phone, PCD or other type of electronic device . . .
Required Courses (Students must earn a total of 24.5 credits to graduate – the following courses are supplemented by electives, etc)
English: English 9, 10, 11, 12
Mathematics: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II,
Science: Introductory Physics, Biology, Chemistry
Social Studies: World History, U.S. History (1), U.S. History (2)
Foreign Language: Students will complete a minimum of 2 consecutive years of one foreign language before graduation, preferably during 9th and 10th grade.
Phys. Ed: PE 9, 10, 11, 12 (1/2 credit each year), Health Any Year
Technology: Applications of Technology I, Applications of Technology II Fine Arts Music, Art, Theater, or Dance
Required MCAS Assessments:
Ninth Grade: Introductory Physics
Tenth Grade: English Language Arts Reading Comprehension, Mathematics
Eleventh and Twelfth Grades: Any MCAS Requirement not met
A student who has enrolled in a class is expected to be present each time the course is in session. A student in the Springfield Public School system cannot be absent more than 14 sessions in a full year course or he/she will receive no credit for the course pending appeal. After the 14th session of absence in a full year course, the student must file an appeal to receive credit. The grades will be reported on his/her report card as “No Credit” pending appeal (NC). All courses will show “NC” for the current report card. Any student who accumulates more than 14 absences during the academic year will be ineligible to move successfully from one grade to the next unless there are validated extenuating circumstances and a successful appeal. If the NC is not successfully appealed, the NC will revert to an FA (Failure due to Attendance).
Cell Phone Use
The Springfield Public School Committee has banned the use of personal cell phones, PCDs and other types of electronic devices during the academic school day. Students may possess and carry cell phones and PCDs; however, these units must be completely turned off (not simply on silent or vibrate mode) during the academic day.
The purpose is to ensure that disruptions and interference of the instructional academic climate of the school does not occur. Text messages and photo transmissions are covered by this policy.
Students who violate this policy shall face disciplinary action by the administration including confiscation of the cell phone, PCD or other type of electronic device . . .
Required Courses (Students must earn a total of 24.5 credits to graduate – the following courses are supplemented by electives, etc)
English: English 9, 10, 11, 12
Mathematics: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II,
Science: Introductory Physics, Biology, Chemistry
Social Studies: World History, U.S. History (1), U.S. History (2)
Foreign Language: Students will complete a minimum of 2 consecutive years of one foreign language before graduation, preferably during 9th and 10th grade.
Phys. Ed: PE 9, 10, 11, 12 (1/2 credit each year), Health Any Year
Technology: Applications of Technology I, Applications of Technology II Fine Arts Music, Art, Theater, or Dance
Required MCAS Assessments:
Ninth Grade: Introductory Physics
Tenth Grade: English Language Arts Reading Comprehension, Mathematics
Eleventh and Twelfth Grades: Any MCAS Requirement not met
Sample Questions for the PSAT
Hello Juniors,
Here is the link to practice some of the questions from the PSAT.
PSAT/NMSQT and PSAT 10 Practice | The College Board
Vianni Gomez
High School Guidance
John J. Duggan Academy
1015 Wilbraham Rd
Springfield, MA 01109
Here is the link to practice some of the questions from the PSAT.
PSAT/NMSQT and PSAT 10 Practice | The College Board
Vianni Gomez
High School Guidance
John J. Duggan Academy
1015 Wilbraham Rd
Springfield, MA 01109